Lacey graciously agreed to guest post for me. She went with a Halloween theme since it's October. I thought I better share before Halloween passes us by. ENJOY!!!
Hey guys! It's Lacey from Lace & Lacquers! I was asked a few months ago by Mandy to do a guest post for her in October, how nice of her to think of me! I figured since it is October, a good old fashion Halloween manicure was perfect for this post :]
Here's what we'll be creating today:
One fun, Halloween looking manicure and for those who like gore - I got a manicure for you, too! After the jump I'll show you more pictures, tools I used and a short tutorial how to recreate this look.
I've never tried a Saran wrap manicure. I've seen them floating around the internet for some time now and decided to give it a shot for this guest post! I felt kind of dumb doing it haha, I kind of just GUESSED how it went down instead of looking at a tutorial. My guess was wrong BTW so there was a lot of trial and error until I gave up and looked at the tutorial hahahha
So here is my version, a little shorter, of the tutorial (for people like me who don't like to read stuff and just like to get to the good part ;P):
Step 1: Apply your base coat, let dry, and then apply a 2nd coat of polish.
Step 2: While that 2nd coat is STILL WET, take a piece of Saran/plastic wrap and blot it against your nail a few times (pulling the 2nd color off your nail) until you get your desired look. Don't blot too much or the wet polish will start to pull off the base color.
Step 3: Repeat with other colors if desired :]
Now, my manicures! First, the Halloween colored manicure:
- Saran/plastic wrap
- Wet n Wild SaGreena The Teenage Witch
- Zoya Suri
- Sinful Colors Black on Black
- Zoya Arizona
- Seche Vite
And the bloody manicure! This reminds me of brrrrainnnnnnnnnnnnnssssss:
- Saran/plastic wrap
- China Glaze Hey Sailor
- Sinful Colors Hot Hot Heat
- Zoya Cho
- Seche Vite
I hope I helped you gather some ideas up for a Halloween manicure! I really liked how these turned out, I think the bloody one is my favorite! What's yours?
I hope ya'll have a super fantastic day and Halloween!
See you around,

Very cute! The colored ones remind me of a peacock.