Happy Friday! Today's guest blogger is Kirsten from
Geeky Owl. I am so happy to have her here today. She has a great blog and I love all her mani's. I especially love this one she is sharing with you today. I can't wait to try this one out :)
Hello all! My name is Kirsten and I have a blog over at
Geeky Owl. Mandy asked if anyone would love to do a guest post for and I gladly offered! I've gotten to know Mandy through a few groups that we are in together on facebook! She has even done a guest post for me too! I love the polish community!
So today I thought I would push my comfort zone and go a bit beyond what I normally do. Tape manis. Now, I've done at least one before and wasn't all that impressed. But I saw this
Nude Zigzag on Nailside and thought, hey I can do that! Hopefully! >_<
Here is how it turned out:
And can I just saw....that I am a smitten kitten! I love how it turned out! I surprised even myself! hahahaha! :) Now, Nailside doesn't use a base polish on
her mani. But I wanted to try and hide the little nail bruise/white thing I had going on on my ring finger and to blend some of the staining.
So I used OPI Bubble Bath as my base polish (with OPI Nail Envy as my base coat). As you can see this is the perfect polish to wear when you don't want to look like you are wearing any and to use for a french mani. But it didn't do much for the bruise/white spot thingy (and the one on the index is actually just a light glare). But it did help to lessen some of the staining! :) This polish applied wonderfully!
So if I couldn't hide it with OPI Bubble bath then by golly I could make the zigzag cover it! Success! (for the most part). I used Essence Romeo from Essence's Nail Art Twins, one of my go to greys. It is a perfect one coater that is brilliant for manis like this! Love it! So the trick to this mani is to use two pieces of tape shaped like triangles and to remove slowly. And what I learned after doing this hand and doing my right hand, it is better to remove them one piece at a time, not both together. Oh well, I still like it! :)

But I couldn't just leave it all pretty and grey right? Nope! Must add glitter! So I added Essence Julia, Romeo's Twin from Essence's Nail Art Twins. I don't often use the twins that go together, together! But I knew Julia would be the best for this mani! I love how it turned out! This is before a top coat. I took this photo then applied a top coat, waited about 5 minutes (I use Seche Vite), went downstairs and made lunch only to smack my middle finger nail on a shelf in the fridge and crumpled a bit of the mani! Waaaaaa! It was still a bit pliable so I smooshed (technical term, I promise!) back and it's better (but a little worse for wear!).
I hope you enjoyed my guest post! And thank you Mandy for letting me take some space on your wonderful blog! :)